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PowerBI Developer / Data Scientist
St. Petersburg
United States
| Full-time
| Fully remote
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1. A record needs to be added to the STUDENTS table. Where acceptable values for GENDER are ‘1’ for Male and ‘2’ for Female Write a query to create a record in STUDENTS for the following data: Student ID: 6100002349 Last Name: SMITH First Name: JOHN GENDER: MALE *
2. A data fix needs to be applied to the STUDENT_REPORT_CARD_GRADES table. Write a query that changes the columns GPA_POINTS and WEIGHTED_GPA_POINTS to ‘4.00’ only when the column GRADE_TITLE has a value of ‘A’ and the column COURSE_HISTORY is flagged ‘Y’ *
3. You have the following tables. Write a query that lists the number of A’s for each Course *
4. Look at the STUDENT_SCHEDULE table. Write a query that eliminates the records in the table where the YEAR is 2012 or there’s no value in the ACTIVE column *
5. Write a query that lists all of the Marking Period IDs from the following 3 tables *
6. Review the tables below and write a query to list all the students and their scores for the ACT Tests that were administered on April 01, 2014 *
7. There are 500 records on the STUDENTS table (TABLE A) and you need some test data from it so you decide to create your own temporary table (TABLE B) to work with. Write a query that creates exactly 100 Student records in Table B from Table A, where students have a value in the STUDENTS.EMAIL column *
8. After running the above query (Question 7) you notice that values for GENDER have been stored as M, MALE, F, and Female. You need to write a query that lists the Students and their Gender, but you need to display Male as ‘1’ and Female as ‘2’. How would you accomplish this? *
9. You need to update a typo in a student’s last name. You run this query during business hours on a production database: Update students set last_name = ‘Smythe’; where student_id = ‘123456’; What would you do to prevent/fix this problem? *
10. You have the table STUDENT_GRADEBOOK_GRADES that stores Student’s assignment grades. Write a query to display a list of Student IDs that have gotten 100’s for their Math, Science, or English courses (MAT, SCI, ENG) *
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